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Ninad Khargonkar
Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas
Email: ninadarun.khargonkar@utdallas.edu
Links: GitHub | Google Scholar | LinkedIn | ORCiD | C.V: [pdf] / [html]


I am a PhD student in the Computer Science department at the University of Texas at Dallas. I work on computer vision and machine learning research problems with applications in robot perception & manipulation. I am associated with the Intelligent Robotics and Vision Lab and I am advised by Dr. Yu Xiang and Dr. B Prabhakaran. I spent four memorable years at IIT Kanpur from where I graduated with a bachelors degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the department of Mathematics and Statistics. My current research work revolves around data driven robot manipulation. I am particularly interested in the problem of transferring grasps across grippers and development of robust computer vision and geometry based algorithms for grasping.

Here are some of my repos created for niche use case!

Apart from work, I am actively trying to wean myself from being obssesed about playing football (requested by my knees!) Efforts towards this goal include cooking, writing and becoming lazy with my physical fitness.

Last updated on Jun 23, 2024. Created using pandoc.