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Linux Setup

Date: 2015-05-05

Back story

My first Linux based os was Ubuntu 10.04 lts which I installed on my home computer using wubi (it basically made ubuntu an ‘installed program’ on windows). But this was just an exploration phase after I had come to know about Linux and the GNU project. In first semester in undergrad at iitk I used the computer center labs (CentOS, gnome 2) and also we had to write C programming assignments on those computers.


In my second semester, I became more sucked into all the different DEs! After that semester I became so comfortable and used to the way of things in a linux os that I installed ubuntu on my personal laptop (dual boot) and as soon my Windows os crashed right before an end semester exam, I decided to use linux almost exclusively and henceforth only booted into windows for games (fifa/cs).

I think once a person gets used to the environment a linux based os , it can be easily used for everyday computing tasks and I have even managed to convince my father to make the switch (ofcourse after he longer had use for ms-office)! This is especially in today’s web centric world where we use our browser most of the time.

Another motivation was the availability of programming tools which were present by default in any installation along with the shell. I still use the standard ‘noob’ distro i.e ubuntu (with Mate desktop environment) as it suits my needs perfectly! Some mental notes put down:

Useful non-default programs

Things to keep in mind

Last updated on Aug 02, 2023. Created using pandoc.