Rippledoc Extended


John Gabriele and Ninad Khargonkar

Couple of TODO items copied from John’s website and added a some QoL items of my own!

  1. Title: Change the default for doc title. If no % title DOC_TITLE block found, then instead of quitting, simply use the filename as a sane default.
  2. Copyright: Auto create the copyright information based on some command line args string. Add a sane default with fun name!
  3. Document Footer:
    1. Remove the option to view pandoc markdown source
    2. Update link to rippledoc repo to point to custom repo with my changes
    3. Edit string for copyright to remove the word copyright!
    4. Add last modified: date, time and timezone.
  4. Links: write pandoc filter to auto-convert internal markdown links to html. This will ensure inter-linking of files is preserved even when converted to html. See this stack overflow thread for ideas about how to implement this.
    1. Embed the filter inside and use that instead of requiring users to supply the file. Of course, if they supply a file, also use that!
  5. Style: Edit the default css file according to your needs!
  6. Output: Option for writing html files to a custom _site dir.
  7. Help Docs: Create a list of docs and host them on your github webpage. Refer the help message of this website to the edited docs.
  8. Cleanup: Add feature to clean up all generated files
    1. --clean: remove all generated .html, toc.conf, and styles.css files
    2. --modified: shows which md files have been modified and need processinng
  9. Title in browser window & bookmark should include project name
  10. Check to make sure there’s at least one doc file present other than